Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

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Other applications of oxygen compressors

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2021-12-15

Many industries use oxygen for various reasons, and oxygen compressors are needed in the oxygen glass, gasification, and natural gas liquefaction industries. This way, they are able to work with produced oxygen without wasting time producing oxygen and reducing industrial output. Oxygen is also used in municipal solid waste and coal gasification applications, as well as in the natural gas liquefaction industry.

Using oxygen in the glass industry

The use of oxygen in the glass industry is well established. Oxygen-enriched air feed has been shown to reduce fuel consumption, reduce NOx emissions and improve glass quality.

Application of oxygen in municipal solid waste gasification and gas-liquid system

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is waste that people generate every day. It has been proven that in the United States today, MSW is often burned to replace land to reduce space. Incineration will reduce the amount of waste, but requires expensive greenhouse gas cleaning technology and toxic emissions. Gasification is emerging as a potential way to dispose of municipal solid waste in a cleaner way than combustion. It has been proven that gasification can reduce methane emissions from municipal solid waste, thereby reducing operating costs. In addition, valuable syngas can be produced. These systems use oxygen for gasification in cryogenic equipment. These hydrocarbons have been modified. When oxygen is used, the hydrogen in the steam is not present in H2 and CO. Therefore, hydrocarbons are not formed. As mentioned above, this is a direct result of using oxygen instead of steam.

Oxygen compressor applications

Application of oxygen in metal oxidation

Current research at universities and in industry is focused on using oxygen to enhance air to reduce the temperature of the air used to oxidize metals. In a specific application, cuprous oxide is produced by passing air over copper at 800 degrees Celsius.

In fact, you may have come into contact with many different types of systems that include oxygen compressors, but you don't know where they may be hiding. Perhaps reading this article, you will hope to find them. In fact, in the entire industry, the market scope of compressors such as oxygen compressors, nitrogen compressors, and hydrogen compressors is gradually increasing. In 2018, the global medical oxygen compressor market alone was worth $1.75 billion. It may be used anywhere in the future.