Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

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Main control functions of oxygen compressor

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2022-06-08

Main control functions of oxygen compressor

Main control functions of oxygen compressor: The control functions of oxygen compressor mainly include anti-surge control, compressor start\/stop interlock control, auxiliary equipment start\/stop interlock control, and real-time display and alarm of important process parameters. Anti-surge control When the compressor outlet flow and pressure do not match, that is, when the flow is low or the pressure is high, the compressor will surge. The anti-surge control of the oxygen compressor includes inlet pressure regulation, inlet flow regulation, first-level reflux regulation and 3-level reflux regulation.

1. Inlet pressure regulation The inlet pressure is regulated by conventional PID, the regulator is PIC 3922, and it is completed by the inlet pressure regulating valve PCV 3922.

2. Inlet flow regulation The inlet flow is regulated in sections, which is completed by the main air-conditioning regulating valve FCV1 3920 and the bypass air-conditioning regulating valve FCV2 3920 in front of the machine. The regulating parameter is the flow in front of the oxygen compressor, and the measured value has temperature and pressure compensation. When the output of the PID regulator FIC 3920 is between 0-10 percent, the bypass air-conditioning regulating valve FCV2 3920 takes effect, the corresponding opening is 0-100, and the main air-conditioning regulating valve FCV1 3920 is in a fully closed state; when the regulator output is between 10 percent-100, the main air-conditioning regulating valve FCV1 3920 starts to take effect, the corresponding opening is 0-100, and the bypass air-conditioning regulating valve FCV2 3920 is in a fully open state.

3. Reflux regulation The reflux regulation is carried out in sections, which is completed by the first-stage reflux regulating valve PCV1 1510 and the third-stage reflux regulating valve PCV3 1510. The regulating parameters are the flow rate before the oxygen compressor and the pipe network pressure, and the two are separately PID-calculated.